Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy Birthday, Joyful One

Guess who's five years old this week!

That's right - it's been five years since this young lady joined our family.

A couple days ago we went to Pink Grandma's house to celebrate with dinner and cupcakes.

Joy received the magnetic equivalent of paper dolls as a birthday gift (note Joy and Grandma's collaborative artwork adorning the windows in the background).

Today we had my family over for dessert and presents.

While Joy opened gifts, Heather entertained Daniel with his favorite YouTube video: the Fantasia version of Noah's Ark, starring Donald Duck. Heather soon had quite an audience gathered around her phone. Good times.

Happy Birthday, Joy!


nathan n rachel said...

I miss Grandma and Grandpa, and the rest of the Sorenson family.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

We miss you, too.