Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving II

After Thanksgiving Dinner last night we all headed up to the cabin.

Andrew made us some carrot cake pancakes this morning . . .

. . . then we set to work putting up the Christmas tree.

Joy helped decorate . . .

. . . while Papa took Daniel on a walk.

This evening we went to Uncle Mark's house for a SECOND Thanksgiving Dinner. There were about fifteen adults and fifteen kids in attendance. It was chaos, in a good way. We had a great time.

And then we got a flat tire on the way home. On the freeway. Yeah, it was awesome.


nathan n rachel said...

Flat tire--oohh. I hope you had AAA.

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

We do, but we didn't feel like waiting around so Phillip changed the tire with Joy holding a flashlight.