Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fun and Gratitude with Pink Grandma

This morning we headed to Pink Grandma's home to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

Joy thinks Pink Grandma's cane is cool, so she's taken to carrying a "walking stick," too.

I handled most of the food today, and Pink Grandma planned some fun activities.

First, she hid strips of paper with pictures of things we're grateful for (animals, food, Jesus, family, etc.), and every time Joy found one . . .

. . . she brought it to Pink Grandma, who stapled them into a long chain.

Once the chain was done, they made necklaces out of painted penne pasta.

Meanwhile, Barefoot Boy bonded with Daddy on the slide outside.

I am so very grateful for my family, the Gospel, my health . . . and the Alphabet Game!


Jodi Jean said...

i haven't been to your blog in AGES ... i've been on a blogging strike. but your family entered my head tonight and i decided to see how the hendricksons were doing. holy moley you kids are big!! i hope everything is going well. take care!

Serena said...

I love Joys pants