Thursday, November 12, 2009

There's the Rub

In addition to keeping my offspring fed, clothed, and reasonably clean, I aspire to stimulate their motor skills, mental faculties, etc. (I don't actually manage to DO the latter very often, but I do aspire). To that end, I decided to do a Creative Activity with Joy this evening.

Here are the materials: paper, leaves, crayons, and a Trader Joe's sticker (contributed by Joyful). The idea is to put leaves under your paper, then rub a crayon across them to reveal the leaves' outlines.

Joy didn't entirely get the concept (she tended to color wherever the leaf was NOT), but she did have fun which, after all, is far more important. Here she is holding up her masterpiece for all to admire. Of course, when I asked her to hold her drawing "up for the camera" . . .

. . . she promptly held it DOWN for the camera. Maybe she doesn't need her creativity stimulated after all--it's pretty well-developed already.


Serena said...

How cute! We love doing those too, the girls also love doing the barbie ones.

Bethany said...

great idea thanks!