Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Eating inspired by kids' tastes

As Kimberly mentioned in the last post, we had Anna over a couple of weeks ago, and she and Joy had lots of fun playing together. Anna brought something for dinner that Joy had never tried before - macaroni and cheese. Joy was very interested in this new dish: between feeding Anna bites of mac-and-cheese, she'd try to sneak in bites for herself.

Seeing this brought back memories of my youth when my mom would make a home-made version of mac-and-cheese called pioneer macaroni and cheese: it's prepared in a large pan and cooks in the oven. All of the kids liked it, but my sister Laura, who is a huge cheese lover, would eat it by the plateful. Of course, all of these memories then made me want some pioneer mac-and-cheese for dinner, so soon after Anna's visit, I called my mom and got the recipe. Kimberly was kind enough to prepare it a couple of nights later, and, together with a traditional green salad, I ended up eating a meal that I hadn't eaten in several years. The leftovers were enough to last several days, too, so for the better part of a week, I enjoyed cheesy goodness. Thanks Mom for the recipe & thanks Kimberly for making it!


Jodi Jean said...

not a big fan of pasta ... but i'm glad you enjoyed it.

aidan is a HUGE fan of mac and cheese ... i haven't made it in a while. poor kid, maybe that's what we'll have for lunch.

Sheree in GA said...

Yummy, my mouth is watering!

Christine said...

Hey, congratulations on your soon to be addition! I'm so excited for you guys. Do you know what it is yet?

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Christine, we'll be having a little boy. And no, we haven't decided on a name yet. :)