When my friend Roxanne was recently in town, she gave me her Disneyland passes with a couple days still unused. Thanks to her generosity, Joy was able to pay her first visit to . . .

. . . The Magic Kingdom. I haven't been there in years, and though much of it is familiar some things have definitely changed.

For one thing, Tomorrowland now sports a Jedi Academy where a Jedi master instructs young
Padawans in the art of light saber combat. And if you think I'm geeky for digging the Star Wars show, just wait . . .

. . . I'm about to gush about Tomorrowland's landscaping. The plants in this picture are purple sage, swiss chard, lavender, and I believe some sort of mint. The whole area seemed to be landscaped with herbs and salad greens. Edible landscaping - the way of the future.

In case you're wondering, we did go on some rides, too. Here's an action shot of Jessica and Nathan on the Rockets . . .

. . . and a picture of Joy and me on the Pinocchio ride. Yes, I broke down and got her one of those animal backpacks with a leash/tail. I'm liking it so far, but Joy still can't figure out why she suddenly jerks to a stop for no apparent reason.
I'd show pictures of the other rides we went on, but they don't allow flash photos on Pirates of the Caribbean, and on the Buzz Lightyear ride I was too busy blasting evil robots to bother with a camera. Remember, I'm geeky.

Toward the end of our trip, Jessica and I met up with a few other moms from church who were there for the day. Everyone smile and say, "Mickey!"