I had a "Duh Mama" moment recently. No, not "Da Mama," which of course is ebonics for "the familial matriarch." I mean "Duh Mama," as in "Good grief, Mom - how did you not see THAT coming?"
It started when we realized that Joy can reach our vertical window blinds from her crib, and she likes to pull them aside and peer out the window a while before laying down for her nap. I thought it would be cute to go outside and get a picture of her. Most of you can see where this is going.

When Joy saw her mama through the window, and realized I didn't plan to come get her, the waterworks instantly switched on and the photo shoot was cut short on account of rain.

After listening to about five minutes of solid crying, Phillip decided that Joy needed a visit from The Tan Phantom. On rare occasions when we need something in the bedroom during naptime, Phillip goes in under our tan blanket so Joy won't recognize Daddy and want to be picked up. The Tan Phantom also helped Joy a few times early in her standing-up career, when she was dead tired but couldn't figure out how to lay down on her own. It's hard to say whether the Phantom's efforts to comfort her had much of an impact this time, but you've got to give him points for trying.