Sunday, January 28, 2007
In Good Company
As fortune would have it, within weeks of Joy's arrival many of our friends had new additions to their families, as well. Here are some pictures of Joy meeting potential playmates this past week:
Kimberly's former BYU roommate Cathy Schaller, pictured here with Gwynneth who was born in November.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Baby and Photo Op Were All Wet
It's funny how we let some things intimidate us. For example, I was scared of baking with yeast for the longest time. Don't know why I was so afraid of 'em - goodness knows I'm a lot bigger than they are. But I digress.
For several weeks, I've been illogically intimidated by our daughter's baby tub. That's right, a tub. I'd been giving Joy sponge baths just fine, and though technically we could have graduated to the tub weeks ago, it just seemed like there were too many things to do (decided where to put it, track down the baby soap, read up on baby bathing beforehand, etc.), and I didn't feel like dealing with it. However, since I'll need to transition from sponge baths sometime before she goes to college, I decided tonight might as well be the night.
I am happy to report that both bather and bathee came through the experience just fine. Joy seemed pretty content the entire time, and I didn't do too badly, either. Afterward, as I reflected on this major milestone in our lives, I decided we ought to take a commemorative photo of the event. Refilling the bathtub seemed a bit much, so we wrapped our cheerful little baby in her towel again for the picture. Unfortunately, . . .
Joy didn't think the idea was so hot. In fact, she told us that having a damp towel on her head was downright chilly.
Recognizing the futility of opposing the iron will of a one-month-old, we cut the photo session short and removed the towel (note the ruffly sleeve - Joy still had her sleeper on underneath) . . .
. . . whereupon Baby calmed right down. You'll notice the princess pictures all over her sleeper. Yeah, we know who's in charge here, and it ain't the big people. Maybe I was right to be scared of those little yeast.
For several weeks, I've been illogically intimidated by our daughter's baby tub. That's right, a tub. I'd been giving Joy sponge baths just fine, and though technically we could have graduated to the tub weeks ago, it just seemed like there were too many things to do (decided where to put it, track down the baby soap, read up on baby bathing beforehand, etc.), and I didn't feel like dealing with it. However, since I'll need to transition from sponge baths sometime before she goes to college, I decided tonight might as well be the night.
I am happy to report that both bather and bathee came through the experience just fine. Joy seemed pretty content the entire time, and I didn't do too badly, either. Afterward, as I reflected on this major milestone in our lives, I decided we ought to take a commemorative photo of the event. Refilling the bathtub seemed a bit much, so we wrapped our cheerful little baby in her towel again for the picture. Unfortunately, . . .
Snide comments aside, you've got to admit that's a cute face. Is she getting big or what?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Happy baby
Joy smiles for us on a regular basis, but because her smiles are so short, it's difficult to get one on camera and have it look good. We got this picture today after taking a series of about 40 pictures (our camera has a burst mode which allows us to capture lots of photos quickly).
She is the cutest baby ever!!
She is the cutest baby ever!!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Archery update
Here's the latest from the archery world for Phillip: since the last archery post, in which we posted pictures of me, Kimberly and Joy at the archery range, I've been back to the range a number of times, learned some things, and had a great deal of fun (I was there when the Rose Bowl game started not more than a mile or two north of the range).
For example, one thing thing that I've learned is that the range is much larger than I initially thought.
This picture is a satellite image of the range where we shoot (compliments of Google maps). Running down the center of the picture is the drainage canal that runs through the Arroyo Seco, and to the right of it is the parking area. On the left side of the image is a row of five or six blobs that are casting shadows behind them. Those are the hay bales where Kimberly and I had shot previously. However, on one of my trips there, another archer informed me that there were a whole bunch more targets farther down the arroyo, with varying shot lengths up to 80 yards.
I decided to find out what these other targets looked like, and boy, did I find that the range is large! In the following image (again, courtesy of Google maps), the original set of bales is near the top of the picture, and the network of lines all along the left of the drainage are the paths to the rest of the bales - some 25-30 targets total.

Since making that discovery, I've been back to the range once or twice. I've gotten my sights better adjusted, and started to get a nice grouping of arrows, at least from 20 yards. Something that's very satisfying is to shoot from 60 or 80 yards, watch the arrow arc through the air, and then hear the "thunk" as it hits the target. I'm going to have to keep doing this!
For example, one thing thing that I've learned is that the range is much larger than I initially thought.

I decided to find out what these other targets looked like, and boy, did I find that the range is large! In the following image (again, courtesy of Google maps), the original set of bales is near the top of the picture, and the network of lines all along the left of the drainage are the paths to the rest of the bales - some 25-30 targets total.

Since making that discovery, I've been back to the range once or twice. I've gotten my sights better adjusted, and started to get a nice grouping of arrows, at least from 20 yards. Something that's very satisfying is to shoot from 60 or 80 yards, watch the arrow arc through the air, and then hear the "thunk" as it hits the target. I'm going to have to keep doing this!
Developmental milestones for the first month
In the week preceding Joy's 1-month birthday (which was Friday, for anyone keeping track), she has achieved three important developmental abilities:
- she has started to lift her head on her own. I would have posted pictures for this, but Kimberly beat me to the punch two posts down.
- two nights this week, she slept for six hours straight! Each time, I woke up in the morning, and asked what time Joy had eaten in the night, and Kimberly said that she had slept most of the night. Hurray! (Now, we just need to get her to go to sleep earlier than 1-2 am.)
- Joy has started to follow things with her eyes. I first noticed this when I was holding her, and as I moved my head, she would rotate her head so that she could look at me. At one point, she even turned a full 180 degrees as I moved from one side of her to the other. Since that time, she has become a bit less content to just sit in one place: she wants someone to walk around with her, so that she can see what there is to see!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Joy's Wake-up Routine
When Joy gets up from a nap, she likes to spice up her stretching routine by doing impressions:
News Flash!! Baby Lifts Her Head!!
Lately we've read a lot about the importance of "tummy time." The theory is that since it is safest for babies to sleep on their backs, they should spend lots of awake time on their tummies so they can practise lifting their heads in preparation for crawling, etc. Determined to be good parents, we dutifully placed our infant tummy-down on her Boppy* pillow Wednesday night, expecting her to lift her head a hair's breadth every ten minutes or so. Lo and behold . . .
. . . Joy promptly raised herself several inches off the pillow and held that pose for a long time (two or three minutes, which is practically an eternity for a baby). From her parents' reaction, you'd have thought she was patting her head and rubbing her stomach at the same time. We were effusive in our praise, and excessive in our photography (if you want to see the other twenty shots we took, feel free to contact us).
Apparently the effort wore her out, though, because when Phillip put Joy on her tummy again the next evening . . .
Apparently the effort wore her out, though, because when Phillip put Joy on her tummy again the next evening . . .
Joy's blessing
Joy received her baby blessing* from her dad in church this past Sunday. We were touched that so many family members, friends, and even Kimberly's boss Crosby joined us for this special event.

*In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, children aren't baptized until they're old enough to make the choice for themselves. However, when they are newborns someone with priesthood authority offers a prayer over them in church, promising whatever blessings he feels inspired to state.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Lessons of Parenthood
As the days go by, Joy is constantly teaching us things about parenthood that you just don't find in those What to Expect books. For example:
Lesson #1: Don't try to use your baby as an alarm clock
Based on Joy's typical feeding schedule, Kimberly assumed our daughter would wake us up in plenty of time for everyone to eat, get dressed, and head off to church right on time last Sunday. Alas, little Joy was loath to leave baby dreamland . . .
Lesson #2: Baby facial expressions are a hoot
Sure, the experts and all our relatives insist that every expression a newborn makes is "just gas," but that doesn't keep us from grinning and cooing every time the corners of Joy's mouth turn up. It is also hard to resist the temptation to add dialogue to her little expressions, like:
"Yikes! The poltegeist is back!"
Lesson #3: Baby feet are really cute
OK, I already knew this fact before I became a parent, but my interaction with Joy continually reinforces it.
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