The Hero Camp organizers invited parents to help out with some of the activities,
so I volunteered to help today.
My first assignment was to cut up tons of different apples for an apple-tasting activity.
I'm not much help when it comes to decorating,
but I'm a whiz at chopping apples because our family eats them so often.
We each have our talents.
Once everything was set up, I accompanied Anna's group of campers
as they got a visit from Adam and Eve . . .

. . . learned about the creation and planted snapdragon seedlings . . .
. . . then heard a lesson about the Garden of Eden and the Fall.
Anna got to be one of the cherubim guarding the tree of life
(AKA an artificial Christmas tree with big marshmallows resting on its branches).
During the keynote message at the end,
Joy took it upon herself to guard the tree of life
from anyone who was tempted to eat an extra marshmallow.
Then all the kids headed out to the bounce house.
Someone joked that the slide was symbolic of the Fall,
but I think the leaders just rented the bounce house for fun. :)