The holidays were crazy for us, in a good way. We have a lot of family in the area, so we wound up going five different places for Christmas celebrations. We had a lot of fun, but don't worry - I won't post photos of ALL our adventures. Actually, I couldn't if I wanted to. Most of the time I was too busy to remember I even owned a camera. :)

Ah, the anticipation of the annual Hendrickson white elephant gift exchange. It actually doesn't follow white elephant rules in the strictest sense (the gifts were all purchased by one person, and at the end we swapped for whatever things we liked or could use most), but we like it that way.

Here Aunt Emily instructs Joy in the fine art of Mr. Potatohead assembly. We truly learn important life skills from family. :)
We spent Christmas morning at home, then visited Uncle Mike and Aunt Vicky before heading out for a celebration with my extended family. The few photos I took didn't turn out well, and the rest of the time I was too busy talking and eating (and eating, and eating . . .) to get out the camera. Ah well - memories are worth more than photos, right?

That night we drove up to my parents' cabin, and the next morning Joy was pretty intrigued by all the white stuff on the ground.

She thought Papa's gloves were pretty cool, too.

Everyone who was over age 2 and not pregnant went sledding. It was a lot of fun, as long as they didn't crash. If you want more details about that, talk to my mom - let's just say she'll be applying makeup left-handed for a little while. Sorry, Mom. :(
Er, on that cheerful note . . .

Merry Christmas, everyone!